On Wednesday, I could really feel all the golfing and not-so-effective stretching plus sitting in the car trough the three days. We barely made it to the breakfast and from there on, off to our final golf destination.
Our last stop was in Rodding, a small town right next to the highway, a little golf club called Royal Oak. The club house was the cutest building ever, literally 300 meters from the highway. The atmosphere was very relaxed and casual. As we arrived, the restaurant keeper was at the terrace enjoying his morning coffee with his wife. The two brothers running the business were missing and no-one seemed to know where they were. It turned out, that one was keeping a golf course at the driving range and the other one was picking up his car from the city. Ok, so how do we check in and pay for our round? Good question, nobody really knows the answer. Good thing we came early, and there was not much people yet playing. Somehow everything sorted out, we got our carts, our tee-off at ”whenever you are ready” and could start warming up.
That morning, everything on my body felt tense and my left elbow was even more sore. Gladly, the weather had been best as it can be for to be the end of September. Everyday we got to enjoy +20 degrees and a sunny, partly cloudy weather. I sure am not complaining.
Even though we didn’t get the best impression on the club at first, the course was very nice. The highways were in very good shape and to my surprise the greens were even better. So all in all, the round was very enjoyable.I even made the first birdie of our trip! Better late than never :-D
The pro and con of the course was definitely the surrounding nature. It was placed by the lake, right next to a small village and the views were amazing. We even saw horses and I once hit my ball on their fencing… :-D The nature was also a con at the same time.. So many bees and other annoying bugs. All the time, everywhere. Thank god we didn’t see any snakes or bigger animals. But when you are trying to concentrate on your swing and a bee comes up to your ear, it does bother a bit.
Guess how many times I hit the ball? |
In the end, I would recommend this course as a final stop for some not-so-serious golfers. Very enjoyable course with not so high quality facilities(restaurant and shop). In my opinion it was the perfect last pitstop for our golfing - relaxed holiday golf without any hurry or pressure. And very affordable - 300 dkr per person, including cart and at least for us the range balls were free of charge also.
Cold Coke to cool me up before heading over |