Long time no see, dear blog. Where should I start, i don't even know. My life has been very busy for the past couple of weeks or even months now, but definitely in a good way. After spending the weekend at the big orienteering relay in Kuopio, it took me almost a full week to recover. It wasn't the actual performance that got me so exhausted but staying up until like 3am and waking up to see my dad at the finish line at around 7-8 am. For the drive back home, I was totally exhausted and there were moments when I just passed out for being so tired. But for the most part I had to be awake to make sure dad stays awake and we won't drive off the road. Luckily we made it home safe and sound. But the next five days I feel like I just slept trough, don't really remember what happened.

Also, the summer holidays have kicked off at work so for three weeks now I have been covering for two people. Luckily for me, not so much for the people enjoying their holiday, the weather has been the worst ever so everyone else is as pale as I am :-D
What else.. well finally all my friends are back in town, so have been seeing them a lot more now than during the spring time. The CrossFit addiction keeps continues and my weeks are filled with new movements, improving techniques, getting lost in the woods and a lot of sweaty clothing. Friday before mid summer celebrations, I went for the morning wod including some negative pull-ups and couldn't carry heavy objects for the next two days. Luckily on Sunday I was recovered enough to hit a golf ball, on Saturday I still couldn't... :-D
This week I crushed altogether 11 workouts and now I feel pretty weary. Next week will probably turn out to be an easy week as I am going to Helsinki on Friday and all :-)