4 February 2014


This getting back to reality and normal day routines is taking over me. Never thought working regular hours and communicating with several different/new people would be so exhausting! Feels like my brain is working on slow motion right now.. 
Today was my second day at work and oh gosh, I am feeling so tired already. Today's 6am wake up could be the reason, though. Thank god I have a nice job and I enjoy doing what I do :-) The next few following months will be pretty exciting work-wice too as I will be taking part in one project besides my day-to-day tasks. And of course, the days will get easier once I get used to working eight hours (and driving two) a day.
Since I came home, and actually already in Holland I kind of started drinking coffee. And especially filter coffee I mean, the real thing. For twentyone-and-a-half years I was convinced that basic black filtered coffee is the worst thing you can have(well, not literally but you know..) and cappuccino/frapuccino/cafe latte was my choice. Then one day there was a coffee for 50 cents offer and I went for it. Today I drank two cups.

That was my coffee story, You are very welcome and now my brain is totally empty, haha :-D


  1. Hahah, mä oon ollu sellainen kausittain kahvinjuoja, että välillä juon ja nyt en oo muutamaan kuukauteen juonu ollenkaan, mut viime aikoina on ollu niin aikaisia herätyksiä ja eilenkin meinasin nukahtaa metroon ku olin menossa töihin, et taitaa olla kahvi meikänkin menussa taas... :D Pitäis yrittää nähä, ei sulla sattuis olee menoa Helsinkiin? ;)

    1. Joo-o kummasti tuo lohtua liian aikasin (ja pimeisiin) aamuihin :D ja kahvitauot töissäkin on ihan kivoja hehe.. No vitsit, niin kyllä pitäis nyt sitten vihdoista ja viimein kun se joulun suunnitelma meni vähän plörinäks! Ei nyt ainakaan oo suunnitelmissa sinne päin reissua ja pitäis tilata opiskelijakorttiin uus tarrakin niin saisin sen alennuksen :)
